Dear Clients,
We are pleased to announce that physiotherapy remains an essential service and we remain open during the stage 4 lock-down. You may have come across some mixed messages over the last few days. However, as of midnight last night (Thursday 6/8/20 12:00 am) the APA and Government came to a decision allowing both public and private physiotherapists to operate as an es
sential service.
“All AHPRA registered health workers that provide services to prevent a significant change/deterioration in functional independence necessitating escalation of care (e.g. a requirement for specialist input/review, an increase in care needs and/or alternate accommodation, avoiding a hospital admission or emergency department presentation).”
You are NOT required to have a GP referral to come and see us.
We are still abiding by the strict COVID-19 infection control guidelines. This includes 1.5 m spacing, linen changes and disinfecting contact surfaces after every consult.
We have introduced an attendance register for all people who enter the building as per the government guidelines.
You are permitted to travel for care if you live more than 5 kms away. Please show your booking confirmation email or appointment card as proof if required. Telehealth appointments and online clinical exercise is encouraged where possible and clinically appropriate.
We do ask if you are feeling unwell to please reschedule your appointment if you are feeling unwell and go get tested.
We thank you for your patience and ongoing support through these unprecedented times.